Despite the stumbles of these early publications, in the half-decade since its introduction, many well-polished 5e modules have come to the fore. RELATED: Dungeons and Dragons: Hilarious Magic Itemsīy having a set-in-stone trail of events, they remove players of their agency in choosing the story's direction.
Those familiar with some of the first published adventures for 5e, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat, will tell you that each of the books leaves something to be desired. However, some of these adventures are structured better than others. Each of them details a unique adventure that brings a variety of themes, settings, creatures, and narratives to a tabletop near you.
Since having been released in 2014, the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons has seen a myriad number of DnD 5e modules published under its ruleset.